Anchor Community

from $75.00 every month

PLEASE NOTE: To join Anchor Community you will need to submit a form of interest here.

An ongoing, monthly subscription-based somatic learning community. Each week we gather to practice somatic skills that directly relate to the intensities of all the various crises and catastrophes, both personal and collective, that we are navigating. While this can sound like it is all doom and gloom, there is so much joy and peace that can come with being with ourselves as we are, and being held in community as we learn to feel what we are feeling as we are feeling it. 

The practices shared do not require any specific somatic experience, and are designed to be accessible to all bodies. Everyone is welcome in Anchor Community. We hold as a central tenet to our work that supremacies of all kinds, most particularly white supremacy, must be continually divested from. We do not center whiteness in any way, but rather use these skills to grow towards a different future, one liberated from the constraints and horrors of supremacy. 

We meet live each Wednesday, from 7-8pm EST, on zoom. Sessions are recorded, and members have access to the recording library. 

Members in Anchor Community have preferred pricing and access to 1:1 somatic work, and all tarot readings. 

Anchor Community is offered on a sliding scale, please submit your interest her and we will reach out to confirm membership and to complete your transaction.

Anchor Yourself